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"The Securitization of the Economy and Geoeconomic Risk – A New Framework for Business Enterprise” Defensor Legis Ukraine-Issue 4,5/2023.

"Corporate Governance and Accountability in an Evolving Political Environment" in European Business Law Review 5/2021.

"A Framework for a Nordic Corporate Governance Index"

28 EBLR 283 (2017).

"Dynamics of EU Corporate Governance Regulation - Nordic Perspectives";

Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 20 August 2016. 

"A Political Narrative of Nordic Corporate Governance"

12 ECFR 489 (2015) and Harvard Law School CG Forum (29 March 2016).

"Transatlantic Convergence of Financial regulation - a European Perspective"

in Research Handbook on International Financial Regulation (Kern Alexander and Rahul Dhumale, eds.) and EU Parliament Sources for TTIP and Financial Services.

The Political Analyst's Field Guide to Finland (Klaus Ilmonen & Panu Moilanen, eds.): Field Guide to Finland, Jyväskylä University Reports 10/2021

Klaus Ilmonen: Leaving Theatre (2014)

Leaving Theatre - War, Politics and Intelligence on Campaign in Afghanistan (PQR, 2014). 

Charly Salonius Pasternak & Klaus Ilmonen: Finland succeeded in Afghanistan (FIIA Comment 15/2019): Suomi onnistui Afganistanissa

Klaus Ilmonen: UNIFIL - Goals and Political Reality (Ulkopolitist, September 2021): UNIFIL - Poliittinen todellisuus


Dr. Klaus R. Ilmonen

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